Become a supporter

Become a supporter

Help solve our world’s most perplexing problems by supporting use-inspired research that builds community resilience.

This work addresses major challenges while reaping additional benefits — what we call resilience dividends — in social cohesion, economic prosperity and environmental security. Your support expands ASU’s ability to respond to community needs across Arizona in ways that can turn sudden shocks and long term stresses into opportunities to grow and thrive.

Champions for Resilience

 Champions for Resilience Fund 

Support operating expenses, fellowships, research, data analysis, events, professional development and the areas of greatest need for KER.

Food, Water, & Energy Resilience Fund

 Food, Water & Energy Resilience Fund 

Help us continue to share information, build partnerships and create solutions to better respond to shocks to our community’s food, water and energy sources.

Urban Heat & Healthy Communities Resilience Fund

 Urban Heat & Healthy Communities Resilience Fund 

Help us continue to share information, build partnerships and create solutions to better respond to shocks to our community, like extreme heat and other health crises.

Shelter Resilience Fund

 Shelter Resilience Fund 

Help us continue to share information, build partnerships and create solutions to provide affordable and safe housing that is resistant to shocks for all residents.

Economy & Workforce Resilience Fund

 Economy & Workforce Resilience Fund 

Help us continue to share information, build partnerships, and create solutions to build a strong workforce and economy that responds to unexpected shocks and turns them into opportunities to thrive.

If you are interested in a bigger proposal or specific project, contact Stephanie Booker, Associate Director of Development, at

For more information about giving, visit the ASU Foundation website.

Another way to support KER is through sponsorship — whether you're interested in sponsoring a Resilience Fellow, responsive research for your organization, or one of our signature events.