Data Repository

Data Repository

Dataset Name Year Dataset Description Dataset Availability
Eviction Tracts

The 2015 data is Maricopa County Census tracts with some 2011-2015 American Community Survey (ACS) data joined to it. There is also processed eviction data aggregated to the tract level and joined to the tracts. The eviction data came from geocoded point data of eviction filings for 2015 from Maricopa County Justice Courts. The data layer was created at ASU by the Knowledge Exchange for Resilience and Geospatial Research and Solutions. ASU geocoded the 2015 eviction filings excel data provided in May of 2021 by the Maricopa County Justice Courts.

Food Banks

Arizona food bank locations and supplemental information as of March 14, 2017.

Heat Deaths and Utility Assistance in Maricopa County

Maricopa County census tracts attributed with heat deaths per tract (count), population per tract (count), and number of homes receiving utility assistance per tract (count). Data collected between 2012-2016.

Heat morbidity

Polygon data about the number of deaths due to heat in the Maricopa County. The data was collected by Census Tract for the period of 2012 to 2016. The data includes the shape area and dimensions of each divided census area and the morbidity deaths per of that region. The data can be used for analysis of the effect of extreme heat on the Arizona population.

Incorporated Arizona Cities

This data set consists of all incorporated city boundaries throughout Arizona. The data is updated continually throughout the year by the Arizona State Land Department and published approximately quarterly. Population counts for each city are included in the data set

Light Rail Stations

Valley Metro Rail Stations as of March 18, 2019.

Maricopa County Zoning

Layer of all zoned areas in Maricopa County. Includes both county and city codes and category names as attributes.

Maricopa Zoning

Zoning Boundaries in Maricopa County, Maintained by Maricopa County Assessor's Office GIS Department.

Outdoor heat deaths

Outdoor heat deaths 2012-2016 by census tract in Maricopa County. Provided by Maricopa County Department of Public Health

Phoenix City Council Districts (post-2018 midterms)

Phoenix City Council districts with name of elected council member attribute. These representatives were elected in the 2018 midterms and thus this layer will become outdated as either council boundaries changes or new elections result in different representatives.

Phoenix Police Beats

Boundary shapefile of police beats ranging over the City of Phoenix for year 2015

Phoenix Police Precincts

Boundary shapefile of police precincts in the City of Phoenix in 2015.

Phoenix Police Stations

Phoenix Police Stations for year 2015 shapefile

Phoenix Urban Villages

Boundary layer representing the urban villages comprising Phoenix.

PHX HeatCalls

point data about the calls recorded in the phoenix area regarding excessive heat or medical emergencies caused by heatwave for the years 2001 to 2006

RX Drug Drop Off Locations

Shows prescription drug drop off locations in Arizona with information about hours and placement area of drop box as of 04/16/2019

Valley Metro Bus Ridership

Average daily ridership for each bus stop by quarter broken on the Valley Metro transit system down by weekdays and weekends.

Valley Metro Bus Stops

Valley Metro bus stops as of January 29, 2019. Bus stops are owned and maintained by the jurisdictions that Valley Metro serves. This data is intended only to provide the location and general information for each bus stop, such as what routes they serve, if they have shade/seating, and what the NextRide number should be. If the bus stop has a picture taken of it, that will be available through a link provided in the popup (after a user selects a specific bus stop). The bus stop identification number is used in various applications to ensure the correct bus stop is being modeled or analyzed.

Valley Metro Light Rail Ridership

Average daily ridership for each light rail station by quarter on the Valley Metro light rail system.

Valley Metro Park and Rides

Valley Metro Park and Ride locations as of November 2nd, 2018. Park and Ride locations provide parking facilities so transit riders can leave their own transportation vehicle during the time that they transfer to and ride other transportation services, either bus or light rail. Users can leave their automobile or bicycle in secure areas during the day, but overnight usage is not accepted. Leaving a vehicle during the night is allowed for transit riders that work an evening shift and would leave their vehicle during the evening and pick it up in the morning. Overnight usage cannot be used for overnight storage when travelling.