Data Dashboards and Tools

Data Dashboards and Tools

Accessible analytics and interactive visualizations to empower informed action

We work with community partners to develop anticipatory models, dashboards, visualizations, apps and predictive data tools that help change agents and decision makers gain the insights they need to tackle our most pressing challenges.

Hand holds a question mark sign next to a miniature model home

Arizona Eviction and Foreclosure Dashboard

Your comprehensive resource for tracking and understanding housing trends in Arizona.

handshake between academic and factory worker

Knowledge Alliances Tool

University-Community partnerships can be highly beneficial to both parties through the sharing of critical empirical knowledge and cutting-edge scientific research. These partnerships can be difficult to facilitate.

Researchers at Arizona State University have developed the novel Knowledge Alliances Tool, which provides a search interface that enables users to search for potential partners based on similarities in shared work topic interests.

It's a platform to facilitate the formation of University-Community partnerships.

Aerial photo of the Valley of the Sun

Discoveries and Solutions at the Intersection of Heat, Health, and Housing

The deadliest hazard is not a hurricane or tornado, but it is the one that sneaks up unnoticed in the middle of a warm summer day. According to the CDC, more people die in the U.S. from heat than all other natural disasters combined. Heat has been the deadliest hazard in the USA in the past 60 years.

Phoenix Tree Analysis

Tree Data Inventory Exploration Tool

How can we achieve tree equity goals? This tool provides a critical tree mapping solution at individual plant scales for analyzing vital tree characteristics—canopy size, desert native vs. invasive species, water usage, and BVOC emission by species.

HEIGHT poverty dashboard chart showing household expenditures by county

HEIGHT Poverty Dashboard

How many Arizona households are struggling to pay for basic needs like housing, health care and transportation? This dashboard lets users explore our comprehensive measure of poverty through geographic and demographic lenses.

Evictions notice and face mask on a table

Maricopa County Evictions Dashboard

Arizona has one of the highest housing loss rates in the country. The visualizations provided in this dashboard tracks eviction rates, yearly filings, and rates across the state.

Phoenix skyline

Smart City Metrics Visualization

Smart cities use data and digital technology to enhance the quality of life and wellbeing of their residents. This dashboard maps out a potential set of indicators smart cities can use to help them track and measure progress.


Visualization: Temperatures in Maricopa County

The following heatmap and bar graph analyzes the median monthly temperatures since the early 1890s. It shows the break-even point in the temperature rise phenomenon and how weather compares to the baseline.

Mobility Card

Disruption in Mobility due to COVID-19 in Arizona

This dashboard presents visual trends and insights into how our community is moving differently in the wake of coronavirus pandemic, due to stay-at-home policies, work stoppages, and social distancing observances.

Arizona Map

Arizona Hospital Resources Mapping Tool

This tool maps COVID-19 cases, hospital bed capacity, testing sites and 13 additional layers of data to compare where health resources are available to where they are most needed.